We have tried to make it as easy as possible for you to place new or repeat orders with us any time of the day or night.
- Call our office at either:
513-248-2121 or 800-771-3171
...and Press 711 to enter a voice-mail box where you can leave your order information (and previous Invoice # if available) and indicate how you would like the order confirmed.
- Fax us the specifications (and previous Invoice # if available), along with a sample to::
...and we will fax you back a confirmation.
- Email us the specifications (and previous Invoice # if available) at:
...and we will email you back a confirmation.
There are several ways to get a quote from us...
- Call our office at either:
513-248-2121 or 800-771-3171
...and Press 711 to enter a voice-mail box where you can leave your specifications.
- Fax us the specifications, along with a sample, if available to:
...and we will fax you back a quote.
- Email us the specifications at:
...and we will email you back a quote.
To give you an accurate quote, we will need to know a complete description of what it is you'd like to have. If it is something that needs to be printed, like a brochure, we will need to know how many you want, what type of stock you would like it printed on, how many colors of ink, the finished size, and any bindery work that needs to be done like folding, scoring, perfing, etc.
It is very important that you leave us a contact name, and best method of getting in touch, in case we have any questions.
Thanks in advance for considering TechneGraphics.
Click On the Graphic Below to Order Online
This will take you to our completely Internet based ordering system.
